Sound And Light Training
SALT Manual

by Ken Ellis
(last update 2001-05-19 - Ken Ellis)

2. Definition of Terms

Sound Source
Person speaking, singer, musical instrument, or a recording (these will be referred to as the "performer")

Converts audible sound energy (moving air) into electrical energy (voltage)

Blends the electrical signals from several sound sources

Effects Processor
Adds special effects such as reverb, echo, or delay to the sound

Controls the tonal quality of the sound

Power Amplifier
Increases the electrical power of a sound signal

Converts electrical signals into sound energy (moving air)

Moving of sound through air, affected by building acoustics, audience, surfaces of floor, walls, and ceiling, air temperature, and humidity

People who are expected to hear the program

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Go directly to: Index -- 1) Intro -- 2) Terms -- 3) Goals -- 4) Job -- 5) Source -- 6) Mixer -- 7) Effects -- 8) Equalizer -- 9) Amp -- 10) Speakers -- 11) Understand -- 12) Set-Up -- 13) Operation -- 14) Performer -- 15) Trouble -- 16) The Rest -- 17) Advent -- 18) Sound Requirements -- 19) Light Requirements -- 20) Building Requirements -- 21) Links -- 22) Video

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